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Top 11 Best Cambodian High School Student (BAC 2) with Grade A in 2014

The word "STUDY" to super easy to spell or to say it out yet studying is a hard work for everyone. That's why most people from around the world hate it but really need it to live a life on earth. No body can avoid learning something as moving on.

In this year we want to take a look at the good example students who made their best through out the year and reaching the top level receiving grade A during the exam in August 2014. Big congratulation to the 11 of them for the great reward they receive as a result of their hard works.

Just hope that there are more quality students pass their exam in the midst of tightening the system. With this even though less in number but yeah will be more in quality in logic. Now, let's find out who are the 11 good example for everyone to follow.

1 | Chan Pichet 

Point: 100, Grade: A from Kampong Chnang 

2 | Van Lida 
Point: 99.99, Grade: A from Siem Reap

3 | Phang Veg An 
Point: 99.99, Grade: A from Russey Keo High School in Phnom Penh. 

4 | Et Sreypov 
Point: 99.99, Grade: A from Kampong Cham 

5 | Chhiv Siseang 
 Point: 99.99, Grade: A from Kandal province

6 |  Sambath Viborath 
 Point: 99.99, Grade: A from Phnom Penh

7 | Chan KetyaPheara 
Point: 99.99, Grade: A from Kampong Speu 

8 | Yean Sophea 
 Point: 99.99, Grade: A from Prey Veng

9 | Reun Sopich 
Point: 99.99, Grade: A from Kandal province

10 | Uth Sokphalkun 
Point: 99.99, Grade: A from Siem Reap 

11 | Neang Bora 
Point: 99.99, Grade: A from Phnom Penh

Among the 11 best High School students of this year, there are 3 from Phnom Penh, 2 from Siem Reap, 2 from Kandal, 1 from Kampong Chnang, 1 from Kampong Cham, 1 from Prey Veng and 1 from Kampong Speu province. Also note that all of them are from public schools.

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